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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

STAG White Junk Pop up Shop

This Saturday past, Aberdeen seen the second Stag pop up shop. Held at Korova   on Bridge street 1-6pm. The theme was "White Junk" so the girls decorated the venue with white junk: old tyres, traffic cones, white walls and the beautiful white collection of dresses made by graduate Sian Parker.

This time the shop was vintage free and full of new and up and coming designers like Heather Grant and Hannah Duncan along with Accessory designers Kelly McAllister with her unique chain mail jewellery and statment pieces. And SOS (Save old Stuff) a unique label which re-uses old jewellery incorporating them into photo frames and wedding bouquets made to order so you can choose your colour scheme and if there was a special necklace or ring you wanted to incorporate to make it more personal. 

There was so many things going on it would take to long to tell you all, but  had a great day I bought a cute little dress from Jaime CJ, some Christmas cards from Alison Bell with some cheeky comments written on them, had my hair styles by profile hair and got a glitter tattoo from Doris. 

Overall it was a good day and I think the Stag girls did well while also selling there "Fawned of" collection of printed t-shirts, jumpers and dresses.

If you weren't there this time, make sure you keep up the STAG Duo to see what there next event will be....

Ashley J

Kevin Morris:  Sculptor

Kelly McAllister 

SOS (Save old Stuff)

Heather Grant

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